Journal of Applied Sciences ›› 2002, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (4): 365-368.

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Fault Diagnosis for Nonlinear Systems Based on Linearization Technique

CHEN Yu-dong, SHI Song-jiao, WENG Zheng-xin   

  1. Institute of Automation, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, China
  • Received:2001-06-19 Revised:2001-09-10 Online:2002-12-31 Published:2002-12-31

Abstract: A fault diagnosis method based on linearization technique for nonlinear closed-loop stable systems is proposed. It first linearizes the original system on its working point using linearization technique and designs state observer for the linearized systems so that the initial estimates for fault signals can be obtained. Then the ultimate estimates for fault identification are obtained through the correction based on the relation between the error of state observe and that of state estimate. Simulation results demonstrate its validity.

Key words: fault diagnosis, nonlinear systems, stability, linearization

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