Journal of Applied Sciences ›› 2012, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 343-348.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.0255-8297.2012.04.003

• Signal and Information Processing • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Identification of Sine Driving Force of Duffing Oscillator Based on Extended Kalman Filter

RUI Guo-sheng1, ZHANG Yang1;2, ZHANG Song1;2, MIAO Jun1;2   

  1. 1. Department of Electronic Information Engineering, Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University,
    Yantai 264001, Shandong Province, China
    2. Graduate Students’ Brigade, Naval Aeronautical and Astronautical University,
    Yantai 264001, Shandong Province, China
  • Received:2010-03-09 Revised:2011-04-25 Online:2012-07-23 Published:2012-07-25


In studying Duffing oscillator systems, a basic model using sine function as a periodic driving force
and the system oscillator’s movement are analyzed. Extended Kalman filter is used to process and estimate
the Duffing oscillator system according to the change of the Kalman gain in the filtering process. A method
using the Kalman gain to identify the periodic force is proposed, which can be used for weak signal detection
with a Duffing oscillator. Simulations show performance improvement as compared with the Lypunov exponent

Key words:  weak signal detection, Duffing chaotic system, Sine driving force, Kalman gain

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