Journal of Applied Sciences ›› 2005, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (5): 548-550.

• Research Notes • Previous Articles    

Wavelet Based Fusion Model of Feature Information in Remote Sensing Images

FU Wei, XING Guang-zhong, HOU Lan-tian, WANG Wen-jun   

  1. Institute of Information, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China
  • Received:2004-05-14 Revised:2004-08-30 Online:2005-09-30 Published:2005-09-30

Abstract: Fusion of feature information in remote sensing (RS) images is generally based upon spectral and texture features in object images.This paper presents a feature fusion approach to RS images after enhancement of edges in the remote sensing image with multi-resolution wavelet analysis.The image resolution is improved. Instead of the conventional HIS-wavelet fusion, fusion processes of the low frequent components of the RGB channels and the high frequency components, both obtained with wavelet decomposition, are performed separately, and a new fusion image is composed of the new RGB channels.In this way, not only resolution of the multi-spectral image is improved, but also color features, which are important for multi-spectral fusion, are retained.Effectiveness of the proposed method is verified with experimental results.

Key words: image edge enhancement, wavelet transform, feature information fusion

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