Journal of Applied Sciences ›› 2002, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1): 104-108.

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Phase-locked Loops Used with Atomic Hydrogen Frequency Standard

ZHANG Wei-qun, ZHANG Yi-ping, WANG Guan-zhong, YU Shuang-lin   

  1. Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Academia Sinica, Shanghai 200030, China
  • Received:2000-06-17 Revised:2001-06-22 Online:2002-03-31 Published:2002-03-31

Abstract: Active atomic frequency standards, such as hydrogen maser, are characterized by a very good frequency stability. However, they deliver a signal at a power level and at a frequency that are not practical to the users. This paper descries the techniques used to phase lock to the hydrogen maser a standard crystal oscillator at a cardinal frequency.

Key words: atomic hydrogen maser, multiplier, frequency stability, phase locked loop

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